Two international days on the partnership of care with the patient in digital form, in videoconference, are organized on 28 and 29 September 2020.

They are an extension of the development of the patient care partnership initiated in Quebec in 2010 (Dumez, 2012[1]; Flora, 2012[2]). An approach that became "the Montreal model" in 2014 at the Macy’s Congress in the USA (Fulmer, Gaine, 2014[3]; Vanier et al, 2014[4]), because of the way this approach was called by the organizers (Pomey et al, 2015)[5].

After almost a decade of development in North America and then in Europe, a first international colloquium on partnership in patient care using a systems approach (health science education - healthcare settings - research), was organized in mid-October 2019 in Nice by the brand new Innovation Centre on Patient and Public Partnership (CI3P) (Flora, Darmon, Benattar. 2019 , 2020 )

In conclusion, a session of collective intelligence led to several decisions such as the creation of an Alliance without borders for the partnership of care with the patient or the reiteration of this type of meeting. It was also planned to organize the second colloquium in Toulouse. However, if it was originally planned at the University Jean-Jaurès
The CI3P, the promoter of the Internet site implementing other collective decisions made within this alliance without borders therefore takes the initiative to organize in early autumn next Monday 28 September or 28 and 29 September 2020, based on the number of proposed bids. If the first symposium of 2019 aimed to make a first inventory, the second which is therefore postponed to 2021 has the objective to highlight the conduct of change. This digital colloquium, which will be held via videoconference, aims to highlight the organizations that are committed to this approach. It extends the systemic and interdisciplinary dynamics in partnership with the patient and sheds light on the included patient label, without excluding the other forms

[1] Dumez V. (2012). The patient: A missing partner in the health system: Vincent Dumez at TEDxUdeM, Polytechnique, université de Montréal

[2] Flora L. (2012). Le patient formateur : élaboration théorique et pratique d’un nouveau métier de la santé », Thèse de doctorat de sciences sociales, spécialité « Sciences de l’éducation », Université Vincennes Saint Denis – Paris 8, campus Condorcet.

[3] Fulmer, T & Gaines M. (Dir.), (2014). Partnering with Patients, Families, and Communities to Link Interprofessional Practice and Education. Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation in April 2014; New York: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation.

[4] Vanier MC, Dumez V, Drouin E, Brault I, MacDonald SA, Boucher A, Fernandez N, Levert MJ et al. Partners in Interprofessional Education: Integrating Patients-as-Trainers. Dans: Fulmer, T & Gaines, M. Partnering with Patients, Families, and Communities to Link Interprofessional Practice and Education. Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation in April 2014; New York: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation; 2014, pp 73-84.

[5]  Pomey M.-P., Flora L., Karazivan P., Dumez V., Lebel P., Vanier M.-C., Débarge B., Clavel N., Jouet E. (2015), « Le « Montreal model » : enjeux du partenariat relationnel entre patients et professionnels de santé », Santé publique, HS, 2015/S1, pp.41-50.

[6] Flora L., Darmon D. Benattar J.-M. (Coord.).(2019), Contribution à l’état de l’art : Retour sur le 1er colloque International en France sur le partenariat de soin avec le patient à partir des communications et écoévaluations. Centre d’Innovation du Partenariat avec les Patients et le Public (CI3P), Université côte d’azur.

[7] Flora L., Darmon D., Benattar J.-M. (Dir.) (2020). La revue sur le partenariat de soin avec le patient : Analyses, N°1.


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